How to Become a Successful Financial Advisor: Your First Year

​If you’re a financial advisor, make sure you get The Ultimate Financial Advisor’s Guide to Getting More Clients. It comes with a money-back guarantee, because if you can’t get more clients with the information, I don’t deserve to keep your money. What does it take to become a successful financial advisor? What are some good first year financial advisor goals? …

Get Creative with Video Marketing (Part 2)

Without preaching about one specific product on your shelf, you can dissect a type of product — or debunk a popular financial misconception — for the benefit of clients who find such issues complicated. Explainer videos make for shareable, snackable content because they can offer valuable information that educates, says Javed Khan, president of Empression Marketing in Aurora, Ont. If …

Tell Your Story Through Video Marketing (Part 1)

As the financial services sector moves toward greater transparency, there’s more pressure on financial advisors to articulate their worth to clients and prospects. Videos can “humanize” your brand, especially if you are affiliated with a larger entity, says Javed Khan, president of Empression Marketing in Aurora, Ont. Think about what sets you apart and how your life experiences have informed …

A new level of client gift-giving

A bank’s campaign demonstrates the importance of knowing your clients An overstretched caregiver tending to her ailing husband receives a trip to London to visit family. A woman who has received a cancer diagnosis is treated to a spa getaway. A young woman who has struggled to save for art college receives a gift of art supplies — plus a …

Developing a Twitter Strategy

Devise a consistent routine of checking in, sharing and responding Twitter has the power to amplify your online presence, enabling you to connect with your audience while reaching new members of your market. “It’s an opportunity to get in front of other people,” says Javed Khan president of Empression Marketing Services in Toronto. “If they like something you put out …

5 Reasons Why Google Analytics is the Secret Ingredient to your Website

I’m guessing you’ve heard of Google Analytics? Yes? Okay, have you installed this feature on your website? Don’t let intimidation, procrastination or doubt of its usage hold you back. I strongly believe it is the most fundamental tool and is the secret ingredient to the success of your website presence.  So, why don’t you have google analytics as part of …

Who’s Counting? Quantity vs. Quality in Social Media

In this age of social media, when there’s such an emphasis on getting more fans, followers, and subscribers, it’s easy to feel a bit anxious about ramping up your connections on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. But should you focusing on getting a large quantity of people connected with you online? Are 1,000 followers or fans better than 100?

6 Things To Avoid In Your Email or Social Media Efforts

Turning off a group of customers or ‘potential’ customers with your business related social media habits, whether you blog, tweet, use Facebook, or simply send emails, can be downright dangerous. And the worst part is that you might not even know you are doing it!