
Content. Delivery. Analysis.

End-to-end process

Everyone needs a map

The digital landscape is a vast country, and your marketing strategy is your GPS.

Just as you use an itinerary to plan a vacation, you use a marketing strategy to plan a journey. And, just like a trip, it’s flexible enough to accommodate change while keeping you on track to reach your goal.

In the rush to see results, many businesses skip the planning phase and end up wasting time and money. That’s where we come in.

With a wealth of marketing knowledge and a passion for military precision, we empower you to win the industry with laser-focused marketing that works.

Strategic Steps Based on Military Precision

Our marketing process comes from Javed's time in the armed forces, and empowers long-term results.

Step 1

Discovery meetings and conversations to understand your business needs.

Step 2

A complete understanding of what success looks like to you with defined goals and objectives.

Step 3

External and internal analysis of your business and your industry.

Step 4

The creation of a plan which includes key messages, strategies, tactics and KPIs (key performance indicators).

Step 5

Presentation of the initial program, program priorities and measurement tactics.

Step 6

Based on client-identified priorities, development of tactical implementation plan, timeline and budget.

Step 7

Once the budget and scope is finalized, your Empression marketing unit will get to work on implementing your program.

Step 8

On-going reviews and measurement throughout the year to ensure that the program is accountable to the results.

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6 Yonge Street #509
Aurora, ON L4G 4H8